Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Kiss Fans Become Divided & the original four release their autobiographies ! It's the End of Paul's Voice!

Before 2004 when Kiss decided they would hire two members in the band to pretend to be Ace Frehley & Peter Criss the fans were united & everyone had nothing but respect for the original four The ones that started it all Paul .Gene Ace & Peter, the heavy metal Beatles, but all this changed once The band put out their autobiographies it became more clear the fans were divided. A huge percent begin to take the side of Paul Stanley using talking points from his book to justify why they love the new line up even more then the original? This is unheard of & never happens in most circles. I mean would any Beatles fan prefer They Kept going with two guys Posing as two original guys? I highly doubt it, To make it even a bigger slap in the face Kiss starts to have the imposters play original songs by the people they are pretending to be as KISS begins to try & re-write history. Personally I prefer the Real thing. Paul Stanley's book being the worst of the four Stanley does nothing but shit on the bands original members & legacy, although now that he can't sing he gives himself a pass & tells the fans to put on Kiss Alive if you want to hear him when he was good, He is so bad that they are going to be lip syncing on their End of the Road Tour more news on that later Stay Tuned Folks!                                    
                                            Lovely Paul Does he ever have anything good to say?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Kiss 2010 Paul Stanley's Voice is in Decline!

Paul sounds like Uncle Fester singing to a Drum Machine!

KISS-Releases their first album in 10 years SONIC BOOM!!

The year 2009 Kiss puts out what is to be their 2nd album in 10 years , the band has not been productive in the Studio since 1998's Psycho Circus. The New Kiss Isn't really dishing out the goods, instead they milk their legacy & try to re-write history with two Fakes. This is one of only 2 records Kiss has recorded with the current line up of 15 years....Not the best !                                                

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Kiss 2008 Alive 35 tour -The band continues with 2 imposters & only tours a 70's set list

At least the band has energy and can still put out, Pauls voice will soon suffer as I will document soon. 2008 was still s decent year for what it was.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Kiss 2006 Rising Wig tour!

Kiss still had some energy and sounds pretty good but you can start to hear Paul losing it , also this might be the debut of the huge wig LOL By this time Kiss continues to not release albums and tour a 70s set list.

Kiss Mystery year 2004 everyone loves the scabs!

The first year of the scab line up the Hardcore fans hate, seemed to be the one year those same fans all went to see them and some even got the Rock the Nation DVD oh my. November is a unmotivated month LOL

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fake frehley Gets to sing his song about space!

On the second Kiss Kruise they did one show in which they played 5 songs from Monster the bands LAST album from 2013. Tommy (Fake Frehley) Thayer got to debut his own Space song & it's NO shock me that's for sure! This is a low point in Kisses career as far as I'm concerned & the problem is the fans seem to Love the dude! Which is why we will never get another reunion!  If they release an album they should of taken the 5 songs on the road like the old days and maybe they would of sold more records & Gene & Paul would be inclined to make more music but we all know that won't happen because $ is what has driven Kiss for 14 years. IF they charge $7,500 for a meet & greet then I don't know what else it could be, oh yeah the fans that pay it, so of course it's all about you!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kiss 2004-200? Paul Blows His Vocal Chords for good!

During the time of the new Line up which is the bands current line up featuring Tommy Fake Frehley Thayer & Eric Cheater Criss Singer, Paul Stanley Blew out his voice here is an example now be sure to pay attention to Gene & what he says, It's obvious Paul only cares about himself & his obedient lover Tommy who feeds Pauls ego while Gene tries to give him a dose of reality.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

KISS-2004 The first tour of the rest of their Career !!

In 2004 Kiss Army fan's fate was sealed. It was a nightmare to us real fans, we couldn't believe it, they dressed two new members as Ace & Peter this was shocking to say the least, on the first tour they did do one cool thing & this is it a 2004 Gene Simmons Moment!