Saturday, August 19, 2017

Video Flashback: RISE TO IT!!! Three Cans of Chili & a Place in Kisstory!!!

It was  early 1990 & I was still  living in my home town  of Los Angeles  California.  I had just decided to dabble in Acting & Extra work around Hollywood, I had managed to get work on a few Low budget horror films.  I also got to act alongside George Clooney , Ron Jeremy , Honky Tonk Man, just to to name a few. I remember it was soon after the devastating earthquake that killed over 60 people, that rocked San Francisco months prior, when I had received the call from my pseudo agent Dianne Nelson. " Hey you want to be in a Kiss Video"? Naturally I yell out "Yes"! She told me I had to go to the Tower Records on Sunset blvd & locate the 105.5 KNAC van & bring them 3 cans of food for the S.F earthquake relief project. & then I'd  receive a voucher to be in the KISS Rise to it video. I remember being pressed for time when she told me the van had limited vouchers. It  was only going to be there for another 15 mins . Lets just say I could of beat Dale Earnhardt at Daytona that day...I MADE IT!  I got my Voucher to be included in a KISS video. As an aspiring actor who's favorite band since age 7 was KISS it was safe to say my day wasn't getting any better then that. I immediately made sure to give my best friend a call and let's just say we made sure I wasn't just going to be in a Kiss Video but WE were going to be in a Kiss video !
Everything worked out like a well oiled machine, two Kiss Army members with vouchers to be included in a kiss video forever sealed our fate & we became an official part of Kisstory! I remember when we arrived there was a buzz going around that Kiss was going to be in Make-up, we were all pretty pumped & really didn't know what to expect. We stood outside SIR studios for what seemed like forever , we started to question was this even going to happen, My friend asked is this a good day or a bad day when all off a sudden out walks Paul Stanley. He greeted everyone with high fives  and assured us it was indeed a good day a great day.

Eric Carr

It was just a few Min's later that we were escorted in & we quickly took the corner stage where Paul was stationed and we leaned against that stage for the whole shoot, it was an amazing intimate experience with the band. Everyone got their stuff signed & got to talk to Gene , Paul & Bruce between takes even Eric. Of course all good things come to an end the shoot lasted a good 2 hrs and it didn't matter if it was 5 because it was such a great day & a great time . I wanted the moment to last forever & I knew that there was going to be a video out soon. Naturally I was dying to know if  we made the cut, well we did. And to make it even sweeter my buddy pointed right at the camera and Kiss used it as an editing point, because right after my buddy pointed Gene points  right back at him, while I'm standing on the left banging my puckered lipped head! The video was later released in Kiss Extreme Close up, Metal Edge Magazine VHS, & had a pretty decent run on MTV .  Looking back on the whole thing it was such a privilege to spend the day with my favorite band & especially  Eric Carr . To top it all off my friend and I (Kiss Army) sealed our place in Kisstory like the song says FOREVER!


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