Monday, September 25, 2017

Curt Gooch Kiss Alive Forever Co Author Talks about Updating Book, Vinnie Vincent & More!!!

1. Hello Curt  Kiss Alive forever One of the very best Kiss reference books , for the readers who may not know or heard of if please give us a brief synopsis?

My coauthor and I spent seven years and $75,000 making sure it would be the best KISS book ever released. 15 years later I still believe we succeed because of the extensive research that went into the book. That however was only the background and we interviewed nearly 200 behind-the-scenes people to give the book a life of it’s own.  

2. What was your first Kiss Concert & What inspired you to make this book?

February 21, 1986 Norman, Oklahoma on the Asylum tour. Simple, I wanted someone else to do it and I was sick of waiting.

3. Do you think Kiss is perceived as big today as they were in the 70's despite ticket sales?

Never as big today as the 1970s but different. At the time, KISS was dangerous or scary. Now it’s more nostalgia and family fun, which I think is great because I have a five-year old son that loves KISS and has seen them three times.

4 .When you first started doing your research what stood out or surprised you the most?
It changed everyday but here are some of the highlights: discovering the multi-tracks for The Daisy and 10 E. 23rd St. rehearsals, finding 8mm film of Paul in the bandit makeup in Eastern Europe, getting the 1976 itineraries, discovering “Keep Me Comin’” and “Sweet Pain” had been played live, etc.

5. I understand you are working on an updated version which I know I am very excited about when can we expect to     purchase it, where can we get one & what will be in the new version?

We’ve never really stopped working on the update. We will have two versions, the first will be an updated version of the original book with all new interviews, set lists, data that’s come to light since the first book was first published. The second book will be part II which will cover everything not in the original book - the present. 

6. How do you think Kiss will retire ?
No idea, but hopefully it never happens.

7.. Thanks again it has been an honor to talk with you, is there anything else you'd like to tell the fans?
Thanks and yes, KISS Alive Forever is being rereleased this week with a all new cover to celebrate the return of Vinnie Vincent. We’re only printing 1,000 copies and they will be available exclusively via our Pledge campaign and at the Expo.

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