Wednesday, March 21, 2018

KIss Krazy Talk to Fromer Criss Bandnate Mark "The Tall Man" Montague

1.For those who don't know you played in the Criss band from it's inception correct?

When did that start & when did it end?

 Yes, I started working with Peter in 1990 thru the Kiss Reunion in 1996 and
and then again in 2004 and most recently April 2016.

2. Peter said he has a record finished do you think it will ever come out?

I hope so :)

3. What did you think of Peter's One Last Time Show?

Well actually, I have not seen it... and I'd prefer he'd want to keep playing. :)

Image result for peter criss one last time

4. You recently did a remake of Bad Reputation the video seems to tell a story, can you explain more of why you did the video & why did you show a guy as ACE?
I always wanted to do an uptempo version of that song, though, there's no real story behind the video except that I decided to film myself after a bad tooth extraction thinking I had more blood than Gene and mine is real! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Anyway, most of the live footage you see was shot in Montreal and Quebec City 2016 when I did a Convention and couple shows with Kissed... the best Kiss tribute band I've seen. Check them out if you get the chance.

5. What new music are you working on and where can fans find it?

I have tons of new music, of which, anyone can email me and I will send them something new, for free. My solo record from 2006 "One of a Kind" is available on I Tunes and you can get my book, "Let the Cat Out of the Bag" on Ebay. Just search the titles with my name Mark Montague and they should come up.

6. Let the Cat out of the Bag - I really enjoyed the book & I saw the tour twice I remember a lot of songs I haven't heard anywhere since? Were those Criss songs that were planned for other records?
Yes indeed. We had a lot of songs ready and were to start recording the second Criss record for TNT then the Kiss reunion happened. I thought some of them might see daylight in 2004, but Peter's "One for All" came out instead.

7. Gene Simmons recently called Peter to do a Vault experience & He hasn't responded , In your opinion why would he respond & Do you think Gene is only asking him to make the Vault Exp a bigger draw to make $ or do you think Gene really want's to Make amends?
Haaaaaaa :) Who doesn't love makin more money ;) The Vault Exp would be better with Peter and they have certainly made amends before. I'm not sure why he wouldn't respond. (Since the Interview Peter has agreed)
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8. Do you see Peter ever releasing anything again, DVD of his last show or a Boxset of older stuff or.....?
 Both are good ideas and in this case, I guess you never know... maybe? :)

9. What is in your future we have talked a lot about the Criss days?

I am constantly writing and recording new music. I'm also due to start construction on my 444hz spiritual cleansing domes near Santa Fe New Mexico...

10. Say something to the fans

I am grateful to the fans for their continued interest and support. Thank You All! Drop me a line at for some new free music!

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